Today I'll show you another book which was illustrated by me in 2013 year- is known legend of Wars and Sawa, as seen on the cover of another siren in my collection More about the book can be found here
środa, 24 września 2014
Legenda o Warsie i Sawie - Legend of Wars and Sawa
Dzisiaj zaprezentuję Wam kolejną książkę którą
ilustrowałam w 2013 roku- jest to znana legenda o Warsie i Sawie, jak
widać na okładce liczba narysowanych przeze mnie syren stale się
powiększa:) Więcej o książce znajdziecie tutaj
Today I'll show you another book which was illustrated by me in 2013 year- is known legend of Wars and Sawa, as seen on the cover of another siren in my collection More about the book can be found here
Today I'll show you another book which was illustrated by me in 2013 year- is known legend of Wars and Sawa, as seen on the cover of another siren in my collection More about the book can be found here
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